A. Almost Forgot to Welcome

Score: 1

CPU: 1s
Memory: 1500MB

ICPC Dhaka Regional is the biggest programming competition in Bangladesh. Also the most anticipated one as well. Students from all the different universities storm their brains all year in preparation for this competition. You are now taking part in this competition, so a big congratulations to you.

Dhaka site is one of the biggest sites in ICPC. This year almost 1800 teams are participating in the competition. So in celebration, we are going to give you an easy problem to solve.

You have to write a program, which will print the line “Welcome to ICPC Dhaka Regional Online Preliminary Contest, 2019” (without quotes).

Note: you can’t output anything other than the required output, and the line must end with a newline (‘\n’). Take special care about spelling and case. If you alter any of those, you may not get accepted.

For your convenience, we are providing one sample program in C/C++ which prints “Bangladesh”. You just have to change the code to your requirement.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    return 0;

B. Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Score: 1

CPU: 1s
Memory: 1500MB

Finding divisors of an integer is common task. We all did it in some time or other during our programming courses. We know that there are several ways to find divisors of an integer N. All of them involve some kind of programming using loops. But what if we ask you to solve the reverse problem?

Given all the proper (all the divisors except 1 and N) positive divisors of a positive composite integer N, you need to find the value of N.


The first line of the input contains an integer T (0 < T < 11), denoting the number of test cases. The next T lines will contain the test cases. For each test case an integer K (K > 0) will be given which is the number of proper positive divisors of N. The following line will consist of K integers. These are all the proper positive divisors of N. You should assume that the divisors will be given in such a way so that the value of N will always be greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1012.


For each test case, print a single line in the format “Case X: N” (without the quotes) where X denotes the case number and N is the answer. Refer to the sample input/output for more clarity on the format.


3 2 2 4 1 3 2 5 2 Case 1: 8 Case 2: 9 Case 3: 10

C. Triangle

Score: 1

CPU: 1s
Memory: 1512MB

Given three side lengths of a triangle. Print whether the triangle is a equilateral triangle (three sides with equal length), isosceles triangle (two sides with equal length) or normal triangle.


Each input will contain only three integer numbers representing the length of three sides of a triangle. Each side will be less than or equal to 100.


The output will be “Bad Triangle” for a normal triangle, “Equilateral Triangle” for triangle with three equal length sides and “Isosceles Triangle” for two equal length sides.


1 1 1 Equilateral Triangle
6 8 10Bad Triangle
5 10 5Isosceles Triangle