How to write a research paper in LaTeX using Overleaf - IEEE Format

Creating a research paper in LaTeX using Overleaf, particularly in IEEE format, is a structured process. Below is a step-by-step tutorial to guide you through writing your research paper using the IEEE template.

Step 1: Setting up Overleaf

  1. Create an Overleaf Account: Go to Overleaf and sign up for an account if you don’t have one. Overleaf is an excellent LaTeX editor that runs in the cloud.

  2. Start a New Project: Once signed in, click New Project at the top of the screen and select Upload Project, Blank Project, or IEEE Template. Using an IEEE template directly will save time.

Step 2: Obtaining the IEEE Template

  1. Using Overleaf’s IEEE Template: You can select the IEEE template directly from the "New Project" menu by choosing the "IEEE Conference Template" option. Alternatively, you can download the template manually from the IEEE website.

  2. Upload or Open the Template: If you've downloaded the template, you can upload the zip file into Overleaf. Otherwise, click the provided template, and it will automatically open in the editor.

Step 3: Understanding the Template Files

  1. Main Files:
    • main.tex: This is the primary file where you will write your paper. It contains the structure and sections (abstract, introduction, conclusion, etc.).
    • IEEEtran.cls: This is the IEEE LaTeX class file that defines the formatting rules for IEEE papers. You don’t need to modify this file.
    Other auxiliary files may include bibliography files (.bib), images, etc.

Step 4: Writing the Research Paper

  1. Basic Document Structure: Your LaTeX file (main.tex) will follow this structure:

    \title{Your Paper Title}
      \IEEEauthorblockN{Author Name}
        Department \\
        Institution \\
    This is the abstract of the paper. The abstract should be concise and summarize the main points of the paper.
    The introduction section provides background information and motivation for your research. Explain why your work is significant.
    \section{Related Work}
    Discuss the existing literature related to your work. Cite papers using `\cite{}` like this: \cite{author2020}.
    Explain your research methodology, including any experiments or simulations you conducted.
    Present the results of your research. You can use tables and figures to support your data:
      \caption{An example figure.}
    Interpret your results and explain their significance in this section.
    Summarize your findings and suggest future directions for your research.
    \bibliography{references} % Ensure you have a .bib file to include your references

  1. Sections Breakdown:

    • Title: Use \title{} to set the paper's title and \author{} for the author names.
    • Abstract: Place the abstract between \begin{abstract} and \end{abstract}.
    • Main Sections: Structure your paper into sections using \section{} for major headings (e.g., Introduction, Methodology, etc.) and \subsection{} for sub-headings.

Step 5: Adding Figures and Tables

  1. Figures:

    • Use the \includegraphics command to include images. Ensure your images are in the correct directory (preferably in an "images" folder).
      \caption{Example Figure}

  2. Tables:

    • Create tables using the tabular environment.
        Column1 & Column2 \\
        Data1 & Data2 \\
      \caption{Example Table}

Step 6: Citing References

  1. Bibliography File: Create a .bib file (e.g., references.bib) to store your references. The format for each reference is as follows:

      author = {John Doe and Jane Smith},
      title = {A Sample Paper},
      journal = {Journal of Examples},
      year = {2020},
      volume = {10},
      number = {1},
      pages = {1-10}

  1. Citing within Text: To cite a reference in your text, use the \cite{} command, which corresponds to the key in your .bib File:

    This research builds upon previous work in the field \cite{author2020}.            
  1. Bibliography Style: Use \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} to format your references according to IEEE style, and include your bibliography at the end of the document using \bibliography{}:


Additional Tips

  1. Advanced Math: If your research involves mathematical equations, you can write equations in LaTeX using equation or align environments:

      E = mc^2

  2. IEEEtran Class Options: The IEEEtran The class offers different options for specific formats. For instance, if you are writing for a journal, you can modify the class to:

  3. \documentclass[journal]{IEEEtran}